Plugs and Tunnels is an American lifestyle & plug company. Featuring a huge selection of stretched ear jewelry for those with stretched ears. Here you'll find a variety of sizes, shapes, and styles to fit your plug needs. Shop all Glass Plugs, Stone Plugs, Stainless Steel Plugs, Organic Plugs, Silicone Tunnels, Regular Earrings and more.
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Web Tattoo Flash Engraved Wood Plugs
Western Dream Engraved Wood Plugs
White Geode Slice Gold Curled Hook Hangers
White Silicone Ear Skins
White Silicone Plugs
White Silicone Tunnels
WITCH COCK Engraved Wood Plugs
Abalone Inlay Coffin Cut Sawo Wood Plugs
Lava Lamp Smoke Glass Teardrop Plugs
Cobra Snake Steel Clicker Hangers
White Paint Splatter Silicone Ear Skins
Clear Quartz Stone Tunnels
Just Me Banner Flash Engraved Wood Plugs
Crying Cherub Engraved Wood Plugs