The new site is up! What are your thoughts?
Well, after 3 weeks of prepping and a lot of hard work from multiple people here at, the new site is finally up. The last week has been amazing, as we have been breaking traffic and sales records every day. We have launched a lot of awesome new products, and so far the response has been absolutely insane. We have so so so much more to come. Through out the rest of the year, you are going to see enormous changes for the better.
All of that being said, we want to know how you all feel. We understand that we cannot please you all, all of the time. We do however still want to know how we can keep you coming back, and keep strong for years to come. You never know. You may have an idea that we just haven't thought of yet, that could make PYH better.
Well thanks for reading. Expect these fairly often.
Sam Dean
i love the new site, yeah im a little late, but it’s amazing and i can’t wait till i buy my hoodie this weekend. even though its not cold anymore.
yup, I like the new site. great look and it’s easy to navigate. I like featured stuff on the home page a lot. It’s a lot of green and grey tho. Pink?
I love the simplicity of the website. so expect multiple buys from me!
Ya, the new website looks very good. Really easy to browse and see the descriptions of every product.
This is my first visit to the site and I love it. I’m a web developer, so I typically judge websites quickly and was very pleased with it. It’s very clean and slick. I will actually choose to purchase or not purchase from a site depending on how the site looks. I purchased the concave plugs and I’m very excited to get them! I’ll be checking back often for any more unique plugs.
That’s why we added the Facebook comment feature for every product. Do you not like that?
Uhmm, well I’m not a huge fan of the new site. I think it looks wonderful, but I don’t like how I can’t see what other people have said about the product. I’d really like to know other opinions before I buy it