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Why We Love Ear Butter (And You Should Too)

Alright, we get asked a lot about this one. “Ear Butter? What the hell is that? I don’t need it do I?” As a matter of fact, this little taste of heaven in a can just happens to be a PYH shop favorite when it comes to stretching, maintenance, or just wanting to smell like a boss. So what is it and what does it do for you? Let’s look at a couple of the ingredients.


Probably the single most important thing found in Ear Butter is Jojoba (Ho-Ho-Bah) Oil, which is the closest thing in nature to replicating your own natural body oil. Just like the oil in your skin, jojoba oil works to cleanse, moisturize, and soften dry, flaky, and rough ear lobes. Ear Butter blends this with vitamin E, coconut, and clove bud oil for a silk-smooth effect.


Beeswax works as the protectant in Ear Butter, letting your lobes breathe while still protecting them. Vegetable glycerin helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays while working to help heal any scar tissue you may have built up. Oh and one more thing, Ear Butter lubricates your ears for stretching, while simultaneously preventing microbial infections.


So yeah, that’s why we love our ear butter, and you will to. Your ears will thank you.
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